Saturday, March 13, 2010


I am not psychic,but I can bet my last nickel that you are interested in generating more traffic and sales(See,I told you!).You have one of the best blog designs,you've written a million articles,yet you are still wonndering," how in the world am I going to get people to come to my site", and read all the wonderful articles that will enrich their lives? Well,you are in the right place.Search engine optimization is one of the most effective tools for attracting targeted prospects for your business.

But,wait a minute! What are we optimizing here? You are wondering,is this stuff not going to be too technical?No,not for what you need.Sit a spell with me.You are not optimizing the search engines(did you heave a sigh of relief?).You will be optimizing the content on your site and putting in place a link-building strategy.It is also important to recall the meaning of the word:Optimize.So dont be afraid that this will be too hard for you to wrap your brain around.

Before we explore SEO(that is what the geeks call it,I am not one,just a regular fella like you),let us recall why we are interested in it.Believe me,it will motivate you to focus on it as a key business consideration.We intend to leverage Search Engine Optimization because we want results.The results would vary depending on the business:You may just want more readers.Jack may want more subscribers to his e-zine on "Advanced Seduction Strategies".Jill may be a material girl who wants the real thing:sales.On a more realistic note you may want it all:surfers,subscribers and customers.

There are basically two facets to Search Engine Optimization:on-page and off-page optimization.As the name implies on-page optimization relates to those things you need to do to your webpages to ensure that they are picked up by and ranked high by the search engines.While off-page strategies relate mainly to link building.

Believe me,tomes have been written about SEO,and are being written,because the field is dynamic.For example,the optimization strategies for blogs are different from that of traditional,static websites.In effect, we have to consider the impact of social media on SEO.There are 300 page books on how to ensure your sites rank high in the search engines.Preferably that it shows up on the first page of the search engine or portal,because most people hardly go beyond the first page when they are searching online.(is that not a scary fact?).

I will be writing a set of enriching,easy to understand articles on SEO for the rest of us(They will not be anywhere near 300 pages,don't worry).This is the first in the series,and they will help you generate more traffic and sales.If you are interested check this blog regularly.So let me say good-bye.I almost forgot!There is a software that takes the drudgery off SEO,you will find more info on the right hand corner.The amazing software is SCRIBE.Go ahead check it out.I wish you more traffic and sales.